
At present we need to fill the following vacancies:

Request Programme Presenters

We are looking for new members who have an interest in music and like meeting patients. We aim to play Record Requests in our live programmes and we need a team to collect requests from patients on the wards, compile the programme and then broadcast it. To apply click here.

Children’s Programme Presenters

Our award-winning children’s programmes are transmitted every Saturday morning live from the Children’s Hospital in the John Radcliffe We need members who are good at interacting with little ones and teenagers. You would need to visit wards, talk to the children and participate in the programme. This is one of the most rewarding shows we do as we bring cheer and happiness to the hospitals younger patients. To apply click here.

Fund Raising Manager

We are seeking someone who can help raise funds to run the station. We rely totally on donations to operate, and having someone in this key role will allow our other members to concentrate on their jobs within the station. Previous experience in dealing with foundations, trusts and grant-making charities is required plus a proven experience in raising funds for a charity. To apply click here.


We are seeking a part-time volunteer administrator to work from our studio 16 hours a week. Duties include filing, chasing up, processing membership applications, answering e-mails, arranging interviews etc. PC skills and a friendly outgoing personality is required. Daytime hours to suit. Parking available. To apply click here.

Outside Broadcast Team

Radio Cherwell is not confined to just studio work. It owns a fully equipped trailer which is used for outside broadcasting and to provide public address services for local events, fetes etc in order to raise money for the station. Much of this takes place at the weekends and the majority of the events are in the summer. Team members need to be physically fit as equipment is heavy, and transports a must. To apply click here.

Ward Visitors

For those who prefer to spend time on the hospital wards, talking to patients rather than talking into a microphone, a Ward Visitor role may be what you are looking for. To find out more click here


To summarise, we have voluntary opportunities for people interested in offering, acquiring or developing their skills in the following areas:

  • Presenting patient participation programmes
  • Presenting/producing programmes of interest to our listeners
  • Outside Broadcasts
  • Non broadcasting support role e.g. admin
  • Promotion/publicity/fundraising
  • Public Address at local events
  • Sound Engineering

New volunteers are under the supervision and guidance of experienced members during a probation period of up to 6 months (depending on volunteer role). Occasionally we are able to welcome short-term voluntary help.

Training is given to enable a vacancy to be filled and can cover many aspects of hospital broadcasting including: ward based programmes; presenting studio based programmes; technical operation of studio equipment; audio editing.

If you are looking for a fun and rewarding experience, and have the interests of hospital patients at heart, then to apply click