- Hospital News:
- Sunday: 06:00 AM
- Monday: 11:00 AM
- Tuesday: 06:00 AM
- Wednesday: 12:00 PM
- Thursday: 06:00 AM
- Friday: 09:00 AM
- Saturday: 06:00 AM
Hospital News is a programme that has been produced to bring special news and features from behind the scenes of Oxford’s hospitals. The aim is to inform patients about what is happening in the hospitals, tell them about events, activities and organisations which they and their friends and family might be interested in taking part in or contacting for support when they leave hospital.
Oxford Hospitals Charity, Oxfordshire Age UK, Sobell House and Maggie’s Centre have regular monthly slots when they tell the patients about imminent events and report on recent successes.
Patients, hospital staff, councillors, MPs, local celebrities, and fundraisers for various Oxfordshire charities, come into the studio and either record interviews or take part ‘live’ in our programmes.
We also cover special events such as ‘The Abseil’ from the John Radcliffe Hospital and the OX5 Run held in the grounds of Blenheim Palace.
Contact Hospital News
Why not tell us about your experience as a hospital patient – good or bad. Maybe you are fundraising for the hospital or are involved in a hospital-based charity. Or perhaps you are a member of staff and would like patients to know about the work you are doing. Whatever your story we would be pleased to hear from you.
The team can be contacted by email at: HospitalNews@radiocherwell.com or ring the Studio free of charge from your Hospedia bedside entertainment system on *800, from a hospital internal phone on 25522 or for the cost of a local call on 01865 225522 or text +447786200690 starting your message with ‘CHERWELL’.
You can write to us at: Hospital News, The Studio, Churchill Hospital, Heading, Oxford OX3 7LJ