We have had a successful Christmas program schedule thanks to you all.
The Staion Calenders have had a bit of a make over so it should now be easier for you to find out what is going on and to book our studios.
The copies of the programme schedules, which are updated daily have been tidied up so you can new browse through all the pages of the schedule. These can be found in the Documents\Programme Schedules and rotas folder. https://members.radiocherwell.com/wp-content/themes/responsive-child-memberslive/membersdbajax.php?action=downloadfile&fid=aab872cae244482e22d7424b67086fad
John Lant has some medical problems which has ment he can no longer carry out an active role in the station and is therefore taking a back seat. We all wish him well and hope we will see him back in action again.
Neil Stockton – Chair