Happy New Year for 2023

We have had a successful Christmas program schedule thanks to you all.

The Staion Calenders have had a bit of a make over so it should now be easier for you to find out what is going on and to book our studios.

The copies of the programme schedules, which are updated daily have been tidied up so you can new browse through all the pages of the schedule. These can be found in the Documents\Programme Schedules and rotas folder. https://members.radiocherwell.com/wp-content/themes/responsive-child-memberslive/membersdbajax.php?action=downloadfile&fid=aab872cae244482e22d7424b67086fad

John Lant has some medical problems which has ment he can no longer carry out an active role in the station and is therefore taking a back seat. We all wish him well and hope we will see him back in action again.

Neil Stockton – Chair

HBA Annual Day Conference

Saturday 13th April 2024, University of Winchester

Bookings close 23:59 on 29th March 2024

If you are interested in finding out how other hospital radio stations run and network with like minded individuals then this is just down the A34.

For more details https://hbauk.com/conference


Or give me a call

Studio Relocation – 29th March 2022

After a lot of hard work by our members we have got our kit out of the, now old, studio. The rack has been installed and is up and running, as some of you have already noticed. However, there is always a however or a but, we have not got internet access from BT sorted out yet so remote live broadcasts are not possible and our access to the hospital network still needs refining. There is no news yet so a 2 min silence instead!!!

What can you do?

You can send your prerecorded programmes in via Dropbox as usual.

You can broadcast live programmes from the West Wing using the portable studio, these need to be pre-booked a day before at the latest.  The desk can also be used to record programmes and put in the Timer\progs folders for broadcasting.

Changes can be made to the programme schedule as normal.

My thanks to all those who have already helped or offered their help, it is good to know we have the support of the members. The hospital has also thanked us, this was sent out on Monday:-

Hi all,

Just wanted to follow up and thank you and your teams for your efforts in helping the Trust vacate from its buildings on the Churchill site and return them to the University as planned today. This could not have completed this without your support and it has been greatly appreciated.

Thank you once again.


Akin Makinde | Deputy Head of Operational Estates and Facilities”

Neil Stockton 


We’ve just met Antonio! His family are all the way from Peru and Italy and love Spanish music! He won a book on the Weekend for Everything Show

Thank you all for bringing happiness!
Raffaele, Parent

Picture Post

Thanks – Childrens Show

“Brilliant evening with lots of fun and laughs. Thank you again for having us we enjoyed it very much x ”

Holly R
